Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Update #2

So Crystal and I have finally come down from our engagement party hang-over. What a blur that day was!

So here's the latest tidbits...

We're down to about a month and half before we can book our trip. We've grown a bit impatient but, since I haven't perfected the time machine just yet, we have to wait it out. We have noticed that a few people have stated to post to our official wedding website with their RSVPs and we think it's great that some people are already planning to attend. Yet, somehow, none of our loyal readers on this site have made a single peep... I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

Crystal and I are also excited to say that we have found our first apartment in the South Loop about 1/2 mile from the lake. We move in at the end of May. The building is about 1 1/2 years old, is 24 stories tall and, much to Crystal's delight, gives away free Starbucks coffee everyday. Anyone that is in town on the 22nd of May that feels like lending a hand for moving is more than welcome (wink wink).

We hope everything is going well for all of you and talk to you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Well sir, Your first blogger is on the guest book. Stop crying! It cannot come fast enough!


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